Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Of tidiness and Tupperware

I am not the tidiest tool in the shed. I'm just not. I'm reasonably organized, I keep my house clean enough, but so often I get distracted and move on to the next thing before I remember to clean up after myself. I don't mind admitting that I have a bit of a clutter problem, and I tend to tackle it in short occasional bursts rather than on an everyday basis.

Today's project was my 2 drawers of plastic storage containers. They were getting problematic because not only could I not close the drawers without a stray lid getting wedged in there, but I certainly couldn't match up a container and lid when I needed them. My friend David recently organized our friend Anne's Tupperware for her while staying in her vacation home and inspired me to tackle this project for myself. (Motivation arrived only after David declined my invitation to drive here and do it for me.)

Just for fun, I thought I would document the process for David, Anne, and other exceptionally tidy friends Jane and Michael.

The first step is admitting that you have a problem.

"My name is Margaret, and my Tupperware is cluttered."

The next step, according to David's instructions, is to get everything out on the counter so you can match up containers and lids.

Next, set aside anything you no longer need to keep. (Like my kids would be caught dead with a crazy straw or soccer ball shaped ice pack ... right. And our cat died 3 years ago, but I seem to have cat food can lids.)

Then reload the drawer or cabinet so that everything is organized and visible.
Holy cow ... that bottom drawer seems empty! (And don't tell the tidy people, but I probably don't even need everything I put back in this one.)

Final and most difficult step: throw away the rest, and do NOT park it in your dining room for any reason!